Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Sovereign Placements

Verse of the Day: “Examine and see how good the Lord is.” Psalm 34:8

There was a God reason I didn’t have any patients the first chunk of the morning.  Today’s setup had various rooms for the different providers and I found myself toggling between different areas as team photographer and praying over where I was supposed to go.  One of the first places I ended up was being able to hold the hand of a woman getting a very painful abscess removed.  About an hour later I was in a room with Mike as he examined a 22 day old infant that had a deformity on her skull.  He determined that she had a malformed occipital plate and, although imaging can be hard to come by, would really need a CAT scan to determine the extent of any brain damage as the underlying tissue was protruding out.  He talked with a local doctor and found that it would cost US$100 to have the imaging done. 

Now let me back up a bit and tell you about the church service back home the week before we left.  Pastor Rex was preaching on compassion and giving to those in need in the name of Christ.  To support his point he placed a handful of envelopes with $100 each in the seatback pockets of the church and assigned whoever got them to pray about what God would have them do with that money to bless someone in the name of Jesus. Well, in God’s will, I received one of those envelopes.  I knew quickly that He wanted me to utilize the money in some way in Haiti but was in “stay-tuned” mode for exactly how.   It became quickly evident that I was in that room at that time for a reason, when a very specific need of $100 came up.  I am overwhelmed in thinking of God’s sovereignty at work here stretching from my pastor’s heart for compassion all the way to this infant’s need in Haiti.  Oh, and by the way—the woman with the abscess that I was with earlier that morning was the infant’s mother!
Feel bad for me, this was my view today
 Now I neglected to say where exactly our setup was earlier—we were full out beachside!  It was about an hour drive from our home base and located on a larger compound meant to provide a place for various mission projects to take place, including a small medical clinic where follow-ups are performed and continued by local doctors.  All of the medical rooms were taken by triage and as medical exam rooms so…oh darn…I had to setup a little ways away in a mini-amphitheatre overlooking the water with a nice breeze coming in.  So any of my patients back home who would rather see me here…just sayin’ ;-)  
Our full crew


  1. Love the story Becca! God is good!! Xo Karalee

  2. Obviously, you are exactly where God wants you to be! And the photo of you with Andreina is beautiful ❤ keep up the good work! (Mary Onstead)

  3. Awesome faith story Becca! What a blessing that you are there.
