Sunday, October 15, 2017

Top 15 Haitian Tidbits

15. There are no speed limit signs.  It is a survival of the fittest traffic system—a large game of chicken with motorcycles weaving in and out to make it even more interesting.

14. Anywhere there is water, bathing is fair game.

13. Most places are BYOTP….bring your own toilet paper

12. Kibby is delicious—it is like a mini hot pocket of deep fried beef with a breaded
cereal coating.

11. There are only 2 MRI machines in the whole country.

Water Bags
10. When you buy land here you have to buy rights to the trees separately.  If there are any trees you don’t buy, the previous owner can still come back and pick the fruit off them.  You can also rent out use of trees on your land.

9. Drinking water is commonly bought in little handheld vacuum sealed bags.

8. To get rid of motion sickness, Haitians believe in licking the tire of the vehicle.

7.  There are still gapping holes in the mountainside as evidence and constant reminder of the 2010 earthquake.

6. There were 70,000 people in Port-au-Prince alone that had to undergo amputations after the 2010 earthquake.

5. National power is turned off nightly not because there is a lack of resources, but in the political realm it increases need and economy for things like generators. 

4. Sweet Mickey was a music artist and pop star before he became president.  He put a pause on his shows while president and is now back at it performing concerts.  I don’t recommend googling him though—the cleanest of his acts is mooning people.

3. There are 23 different varieties of mangoes.

2. We use duct tape to fix everything…they use machetes ;-)

1. There are a lot of amazing people passionate about making a difference in the lives of Haitian people, including many Haitians themselves!

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