Friday, September 8, 2017


Mission Matana Clinic

Hello Blog World!! I can’t believe I have been practicing four years now as a physical therapist and still falling more in love with the career choice God has led me into.  As you know, I have had a number of opportunities in the past to serve internationally to various places God has led and in more recent years I have been able to combine my passion for physical therapy with my passion for missions.  In my time here in New York I have also gotten plugged into a great local church called Grace Fellowship and now have an opportunity to serve on medical missions with some members of my church family. 

This October 7-14th, a team of us will be travelling to Port au Prince, Haiti for 1 week.  Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with 80% of its population living below the poverty line in addition to suffering a seemingly endless line of natural disasters.  During this trip we will be working primarily in rural areas of Haiti partnering with the Mission Matana Clinic. This clinic has been set up to provide medical care and share the love of Christ with those we encounter.  In addition to providing medical care, we will also be praying for opportunities to encourage and uplift our patients spiritually while we are working with them. 

I am in need of those willing to partner with me in praying for the people we will be serving and for my health and effectiveness as a team member.  By partnering with us in prayer, you become a large part of all God will do through us down there. Thank you in advance and I look forward to sharing with you how He has answered those prayers!

I am very excited about this opportunity and would love to answer any questions you might have about my involvement in this trip to allow you to pray more specifically for myself, my team members, and our future patients in Haiti, so please feel free to reach out!! Thank you for praying & being a vital part of our team!!

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